Choosing the Right Life Insurance Policy: 10 Tips for Successful Coverage

Learn how to choose the right life insurance policy with these 10 tips from an expert. Understand different types of policies and associated costs before making a purchase.

Choosing the Right Life Insurance Policy: 10 Tips for Successful Coverage

Term Life insurance is a great way to match the length of coverage to your needs. If you're considering buying life insurance but are feeling overwhelmed, these 10 tips will help you make the right decision. Many people opt for term life policies, which provide coverage for a set period of time, such as 10, 15, 20 or 30 years. This can be an affordable way to get coverage until you reach a certain financial milestone, like paying off your mortgage or sending your children to college. To choose the right term, start by calculating when your children will no longer need your financial support.

You may also want to consider how long your spouse will need income in the event of your death up to what would be your normal retirement age. Additionally, it's important to understand the different types of life insurance available, such as term life insurance, lifetime insurance, and premium-back term insurance. When you're ready to purchase a policy, the insurer will ask you questions about your driving history and any hazardous jobs or hobbies that could increase your risk. It's also important to remember that with term life insurance, you must make the premium payments in order to keep the policy active. Lifetime insurance policies often come with high fees for agents, so it's important to understand all of the costs associated with each type of policy. Confusion about how much and what type of life insurance to buy is one of the main reasons people don't have life insurance, according to a survey conducted by Life Happens and LIMRA.

Some insurers specialize in instant life insurance and use algorithms to give you an instant price if you meet certain criteria based on age and health. Most insurers suggest that a reasonable amount for life insurance is six to ten times the amount of your annual salary. The two main types of life insurance are term life insurance and full life insurance (also known as permanent insurance). It's important to remember that the sole purpose of life insurance is to replace your income if you die so that your dependents can maintain their current lifestyle. Another way to calculate the amount of life insurance needed is to multiply your annual salary by the number of years left until retirement. One downside of term life insurance is that it's lower than the death benefit of both lifetime policies.

If you have private life insurance that you bought on your own, as long as you keep making premium payments, you'll have coverage. It's also beneficial to get a policy early in life while you're still in good health. If the policy was provided as a group plan through your employer, it will generally be cancelled after one month after termination. When selecting a life insurance policy, it's important to consider all factors involved in order to make an informed decision. Consider how long your family will need financial support in case of death and how much coverage is necessary for them to maintain their current lifestyle.

Additionally, research different types of policies and understand all associated costs before making a purchase. Finally, remember that with term life insurance, you must make premium payments in order for the policy to remain active.

Pattie Fritzler
Pattie Fritzler

Hipster-friendly coffee ninja. Infuriatingly humble zombie advocate. Hipster-friendly tv evangelist. Infuriatingly humble reader. Hipster-friendly twitter evangelist.